
A booking fee of R5000 is required to book and secure wedding dates. Lifestyle shoots need to be paid in full unless otherwise arranged.

Wedding in KZN Midlands. Bride and Groom.

Luxury Photography Package

Starting at R32 000

This package includes:
10-hour Photo Coverage
2 Photographers
Online gallery - 1 year access
24 hour Sneak Peek
10 x Standard Prints
30 page Luxury Album
1 hour Lifestyle shoot valid for 12 months
Travel & Accommodation
Planning meeting
Timeline Consult

Wedding in KZN Midlands. Bride and Groom walking in sunset

Standard Package

Starting at R25 000

10-hour Photo Coverage
1 Photographers
Online Gallery - 6 month access
24 hour Sneak Peek
Planning meeting
Timeline consult

Plus one of the following:

1 hour Lifestyle shoot valid for 12 months
2nd Photographer

Wedding in KZN Midlands. Bride and Groom under veil during golden hour

Photo & Video Combo

Starting at R45 000

1 Photographer, 1 Videographer, 1 Assistant
10 hours
Unlimited Hi-Res Images
Online Gallery
USB Gift Box
20 x A5 Prints
20 Polaroid Images
Cinematic Trailer
4-6min Highlight Video
Plus more
Please contact for full offering

Lifestyle Shoots

Starting at R3000



Request a quote

Birthday parties
Matric Dance

"A thing that you see in my pictures is that I was not afraid to fall in love with these people."

—Annie Leibovitz

What is next?

Step 1

Click GET IN TOUCH below to get to my contact form. Fill in as much detail as possible. I'll respond within an hour or two.

Step 2

A short video consult or call is needed so I can understand your needs properly. Photographers are not one type fits all creatures. I need to know your expectations and I want to hear about your day and you!

Consults are not needed for lifestyle sessions.

Step 3

Happy with me, happy with you, I send you an invoice and a contract. You are booked once you paid your R5000 booking fee! I will check up on you about your lifestyle shoot and will help you plan your timeline so that you can spend more time with your guests and not off for hours taking photos.